Article: Automotive & Transportation XR preview

optml labs

Exploring Transportation & Automotive XR Preview

Exploring XR Series

Automotive & Transportation XR

This article is a preview for our upcoming article about capturing, processing, and visualizing 3d vehicle sensor data using off-the-shelf products and a custom 3d app. This is a great overview for engineers interested in exploring vehicle telemetry, visualizing autonomy, and for professionals in the Automotive, Transportation, Aviation, Drone, and Sport Racing industries.

A preview of our test circuit: a loop around a hilly section of land surrounded by green grass and horse ranches in the countryside.

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

We will dive into:

  1. Collecting data using a custom mobile app and a bluetooth automotive device.
  2. An overview of the development process for visualizing the data for a 3d web app using webgl graphics rendering.
  3. Calibration of the sensor data with ground truth (GPS), known values, and attempting “global loop closure” of the spatial data.
  4. What sort of analysis we can perform by connecting a previously disconnected sensor data source (the automobile).
  5. How we can begin to think about connectedness in XR and 3d visualization contexts.

We’re excited to share our design philosophy in this new and emerging field of engineering. This example is applicable to the Automotive, Transportation, Aviation, and Sport Racing industries.

We analyze and visualize paths in VR (virtual reality), AR (augmented reality), XR (extended reality), cross platform mobile platforms (Unity), and web 3d (webgl and webgpu 2022 renderers).

Contact for a 3d app design session. We’re excited to explore how these new emerging technologies can be applied to your business through custom 3d app engineering.

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